Kelly Lohner

Naturopathy Practitioner Student

Are you curious about affiliate marketing?

You don’t need a fancy set-up or a physical storefront to start trading corporate burnout for the life you’ve always wanted. All you really need is wi-fi and the will to put effort into something that matters.

In life you have 2 choices.

Become an Entrepreneur.

Or work for one.

But why Amare? Watch the opportunity video below to really understand why I chose to partner with the Mental Wellness Company. From science backed products, to sourcing all natural ingredients for our premium products, to providing all the resources so you can truly help people. The Mental Wellness company is the first company specifically designed to help and nourish the gut-brain-axis.

There has never been a better time to join Affiliate Marketing than there is right now. 86% of business’s have an affiliate marketing platform people can take advantage of. Amare pays up to 38% and has a dual sided comp plan (more in the below video) with $90,000 in bonuses available to earn.

If you want to be part of something bigger, a mental wellness movement, to make an income while making an impact..

I want to share this with you.

Start your own online business with me, and I promise you these 3 things:


Knowledge is power but community is strength & the foundation to success. Join a community who are looking to be in charge of their own destiny. Who will celebrate every win with you. Who all believe in community over competition. That is what we are creating & if you choose to be a part of it, it will change your life!

Extra Income Potential

Amare has a competitive compensation plan that pays up to 38%. We also have a 'focus on 5' - $500 bonus you can earn monthly without team building, and two sides to our compensation plan where you can rank on personal volume as well.

Self Confidence

I am going to help you visualize your highest self so you can start showing up as her on a daily basis. Self-confidence is a superpower. Once you start believing in yourself, the magic really does start to happen. You were made to do amazing things. You just might not believe it yet!

Amare is taking the wellness industry by storm. We are currently in the beginning stages of hyper growth!

  • You'll have your own $10 off link to share as often as you like

  • The option to build a team, or not

  • Earn up to 38% on customer orders (the highest in the industry right now!)

  • Paid 5x a month | Weekly + Monthly

  • Simple systems to earn minimum $500 every month

  • The ability to lock in minimum monthly income rewards of $1000 - $2500+

  • You do not need to be an influencer or have a large following

Watch the opportunity video below for an overview of the Amare opportunity.

Kelly Lohner

Naturopathy Practitioner Student

I don't have the time

It's not really that you don't have enough time. The truth is, it's just not that important to you.

Let's be honest, we make time for the things that are important to us. Owners of multi-million-dollar companies didn’t succeed by not putting in the time. People who lose a ton of weight didn’t magically gain an extra hour a day to go work out. People who work full-time and also work a side hustle aren’t super-humans that require less sleep than you. They have just as many hours in the day as you do.

The difference is, it was important to them, so they made the time. Success is not measured (or limited) by how much time you have. It's measured by how you manage your time. So, if its important to you.... you will make the time!

I am afraid of failing

If you think you will will. If you think you will will!! It really is that simple.

It is all about your mindset. I’m not saying that belief is all you need. But if you don’t start with believing that you can, you’ll go nowhere fast. It’s no secret that our worst fear is often failure. But what if failure was actually a good thing? “Failure is success in progress,” said Albert Einstein. So how do you go about believing in yourself? Because I didn't always believe in myself either.

The thoughts you think daily create emotions, which in turn encourage your actions. So if you’re used to thinking negatively, everything in your life is going to be based on that platform of negativity. If you focus on positivity, good things will follow. It is simply language you use on a daily basis. Change it!! If it’s causing you to be stressed out, shift your language and you will shift your reality. In my experience it can also be the people that you surround yourself with. Are your friends or family generally negative people? Most people adapt to their surroundings so if you hang out with negative people, you will in turn start to be negative.

Take inventory on who you have in your life & protect your vibe!

I am not good at sales

Little did I know that if I wanted to be successful at this direct sales job I had to stop "selling". I’m going to share with you a little secret I learned and what I teach my team. We are successfully making money and we don’t sell a thing! Whatttttt????? That is right. This is exactly what I tell them: "STOP SELLING. DON'T EVER TRY TO SELL A THING. YOU ARE NOT A SALESPERSON. You know what you are going to be? You're going to be someone who SHARES what you love.

We focus on sharing, educating and offering value over selling a product. Too many people are out there trying to sell sell sell and I am over here just trying to be the best darn recommender there is out there and offer tons of value.

I don't have social media

You are not expected to know social media. In fact, 90% of those in the business don't know it before they start. They learn along the way. We can teach you everything you would need to know about social media if it's something you want to learn. If not, there's so many ways to grow outside of social media.

I don't have a big following

It goes back to mindset. Don't be frustrated if you only have 200 followers on social media. Instead of thinking "I only have 200 followers." How about looking at it as "yessss, I have 200 people that I can share what I love with." It's not about quantity, it's about quality. You will get the followers eventually as long as you remain consistent and authentic! The fact of the matter is the world is huge and you are never short of people to share about what you love.

When you have a new show that you love on Netflix, do you hesitate to post about it? How about when you find a new pair of jeans that fit and hug you in all the right places? You tell all your girlfriends right? Do you get paid by Netflix or that jean company? NOPE. You sure don't. Find a brand that you already love and then get paid to share about it.

I am not outgoing

Being successful doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to be an extrovert. There are many introverts out there (including me) who are highly successful in network marketing. A lot of the people you look up to, making it happen in business aren’t necessarily extroverts either. What successful introverts learn to do is bring out the ‘extroverted’ in them in social situations when they need to.

So, the good news here is that you don’t have to turn into an extrovert to be a top earner. The beauty of network marketing is that it’s made up of all types of personalities and it flourishes this way. So being an introvert is no longer an excuse to not start a business!

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